Async / Await With Multiple Promises

October 8, 2024

Async / Await With Multiple Promises

So we know that we can chain promises together using multiple .then() methods. We can also use promise.all to wait for multiple promises to resolve. But what about using async / await to wait for multiple promises to resolve?

Let's look at our getData() function from a past lesson.

function getData(endpoint) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', endpoint);

    xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if (this.readyState === 4) {
        if (this.status === 200) {
        } else {
          reject('Error: Something went wrong');

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 3000) + 1000);

It fetches data from an endpoint and returns a promise. It can take anywhere from 1 to 4 seconds to resolve. I first showed you how to do this with callbacks, then with promises and chaining .then() methods, and now we're going to do it with async / await.

Just for reference, let's look at how we did this with promise chaining.

  .then((movies) => {
    return getData('./actors.json');
  .then((actors) => {
    return getData('./directors.json');
  .then((directors) => {

We returned a value from each .then() method, and that value was passed to the next .then() method. This is ok. It looks better than callbacks, but it's still a little messy. We can do better.

async function getAllData() {
  const movies = await getData('./movies.json');
  const actors = await getData('./actors.json');
  const directors = await getData('./directors.json');


Or even better:

async function getAllData() {
  const movies = await getData('./movies.json');
  const actors = await getData('./actors.json');
  const directors = await getData('./directors.json');
  console.log(movies, actors, directors);


We were able to use async / await to wait for multiple promises to resolve and it looks much nicer. We also have access to the data from each promise in the same scope.

Using fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest

In the getData() function, we used the XMLHttpRequest object to fetch data from an endpoint. We could also use the fetch() API to do the same thing and get rid of the getData() function completely.

async function getAllDataWithFetch() {
  const moviesRes = await fetch('./movies.json');
  const movies = await moviesRes.json();

  const actorsRes = await fetch('./actors.json');
  const actors = await actorsRes.json();

  const directorsRes = await fetch('./directors.json');
  const directors = await directorsRes.json();

  console.log(movies, actors, directors);


There is no returning from .then() methods. The code looks synchronous, but it's not. It's still asynchronous. We're just using async / await to make it look synchronous.


We can also still use Promise.all() to wait for multiple promises to resolve.

async function getAllDataWithPromiseAll() {
  const [moviesRes, actorsRes, directorsRes] = await Promise.all([

  const movies = await moviesRes.json();
  const actors = await actorsRes.json();
  const directors = await directorsRes.json();

  console.log(movies, actors, directors);


If you want, you can still use .then() on the response promise to get the data:

async function getAllDataWithPromiseAll2() {
  const [movies, actors, directors] = await Promise.all([
    fetch('./movies.json').then((response) => response.json()),
    fetch('./actors.json').then((response) => response.json()),
    fetch('./directors.json').then((response) => response.json()),

  console.log(movies, actors, directors);
